The Redbuds are blooming everywhere!
My husband has been spending his days doing yard work. Not your normal every day kind of yard work, but leveling, laying sod, raking leaves. I’m putting raking leaves in an abnormal context simply because we have an acre covered in trees and the position of our house in the neighborhood guarantees that the ferocious Oklahoma wind brings every freaking leaf our way!
He’s also putting in yet more flower boxes for me to agonize over. I love flowers, love planting, but I’m not good at picking what works where. Plus, I really think we’re going to have to bring in dirt to mix with the red clay. (OK is famous for its red dirt. In fact, we now have a Red Dirt Book FestivalRed Dirt Book Festival. I attended as an author for Surreal Magazine last year. What does this have to do with dirt you ask? Is Rinda going off on yet another tangent? Yes. Deal with it. See these shirts?
They were dyed with Oklahoma Red Dirt. No one knew you had to wash the suckers over and over before wearing. Red Dirt stains the skin… can you say reverse farmer’s tan anyone? Luckily, I was warned! )
Anyway, last year, I spent months barely keeping everything alive. I’m too absent minded to care for plants properly. My husband calls them victims… Seriously, during a walk through a local home supply store, he pointed to a section of plants and said, “One. Two. Three. No, many victims! Hahahaha.” ( I blame Sesame Street for this. )
This morning, he started the yard work early. I did my usual and went in to my office as soon as the kids left for school. I can’t even wait for my required workout or even to get dressed. Pathetic. So, I’m working on a short story set in the deep south and I’m debating whether or not to cut this snake out of the story. He keeps showing up, but one of my critique partners recently wrote a southern story with a serpent, so… you get my drift.
Hubby is raking leaves outside my office window. He taps on the window and holds up a margarine container. What do you think he has captured in that thin, plastic? Baby copperheads. A nest of them just outside my window.
So, what do you all think?
Strange otherworld message?
Leave the snake in the story?
Or… For God’s sake, Rinda, it’s just a snake — why do you make everything “about” something?
A link about Copperheads for your pleasure. Copperhead Snake Page
Oops! Forgot to share today’s music. I’m in a mellow sort of mood. I’m also going to share links to Emusic. com. This is a legal way to find and download great music. I pay a monthly fee and can download an entire CD or just tracks if I like. The bands place their music on the site themselves and link to them. And hey, if anyone decides to give emusic a try, tell them I sent you. I get 50 free tracks and you get 25 free just for trying! (Their official site) And the emusic site is The Autumns, MP3 Album Music Download at eMusic This is mellow Indie rock. Some call it shoe-gazer. It is, however, seductive, lovely and compelling.
Without Gravity – Official Site – Beautiful Son Okay, I sent you to the video page. Go to the left and click on the Beautiful Son video. If you like mellow, sometimes folksy ethereal and beautiful music, you’ll like Without Gravity. I wrote an entire writing piece inspired by the song Without Gravity which will be in the upcoming OWFI magazine. 🙂 Oh, and the emusic site for more clips is here. Tenderfoot, MP3 Album Music Download at eMusic