I’ve been in one heck of an off mood today. Couldn’t focus enough to write squat, couldn’t decide between the two activities we’d been invited to tonight and I’m sick of laundry so I just shut the door and pretended it wasn’t there. I love my house but keeping this puppy clean takes up too much time out of my writing days.
Told you I was feeling snarky.
My husband picked up on this frustration and took me out of the house for lunch.
We used to steal away to get onion burgers at this place in OKC. There are new owners now but I saw that a lot of the employees were the same, so I felt it would be okay. No, it wasn’t. This was the worst burger ever and the fries were dark brown and tasted just awful. I hate to say mean things about a restaurant because I’ve had friends who owned one and that’s a hard business, but this place was filthy. Then I saw an employee picking up lettuce around the condiment bar and putting. It. Back. We left without finishing.
Got home and once again, my son’s school called. There’s this tone you hear from them that makes you feel all squirmy– like they think you’re not a good parent. This time they called because he was tired. So tired he couldn’t stay awake in class.
I go to the school, go in the nurse’s office and with one look, knew he was ill. We got home and sure enough, he is. Poor baby is passed out cold in bed now. They brought up the fact he didn’t have a fever. No, he doesn’t, but his eyes have that “I don’t feel good” glazed look to them and his stomach is definitely messed up.
So now, both activities are out tonight. I need to be here with my baby. It was going to be either a Chianti wine tasting or checking out this band, Stock Market Crash, at the Conservatory. My daughter is going to be so bummed since she can actually go to the Conservatory. Some friends of ours love this band and invited us last night. I like their sound so far. CD Baby: THE STOCK MARKET CRASH: Geology
But, I’m not feeling so hot either now– which could explain the mood. Maybe it’s because the day started with weird dreams. I woke up crying and here’s why…
I dreamed my husband and I lived in this huge mansion surrounded by acres and acres of woods. We had a guest house with a big pond in between it and our house. For some reason, we’d hired two little old ladies to give afternoon tours of the guest house.
So, I’m having a writer’s party only I don’t know any of these writers and they are getting on my nerves. My husband sneaks me out of the house and we pack our bags to go to our guest house. Food for the trip and everything. Yeah. Okay.
So, as we’re going around the pond, it turns into this huge desert and now we can see other people crossing with proper camels and we, all the sudden, have this baby horse. But now our guest house is in Iraq and we didn’t pack water for the horse. She’s starting to stumble and fall and I’m panicking. We see this little convenience station right in the middle of the sand.
I run inside and there’s a man sitting on the floor and there are stacks of colored paper on a couple of shelves. I say we need water for the horse. My husband says no, she needs paper. We’re arguing and the man says, “If you soak the paper in water, the ink will choke the horse.”
My husband is nodding and I’m looking at them like they’ve lost their minds. I start yelling that we have to get to Iraq immediately and the horse needs water but it’s too late. The horse dies. I wake up crying.
I need one of those dream advisers for this one, eh?