This was the image for last week’s reader writing challenge. Here are the results.
BTW, the new image will be at the end of this post. Play if you want or just read and get a glimpse into some of the coolest minds out there. Global warming due to flatulence? 9 penises? We have it all!
Write a scene, a plot, or just one line. No rules. For ideas of past responses
The Write Snark: Scene From a Picture– Snarky Reader Style
The Write Snark: Scene From a Picture- Snarky Reader’s Style.
X. Dell from The X Spot said:
Both the cattle and the Grays had a beef with each other, so to speak. The bulls had had it up to their horns with the rampant mutilations. At the same time, the Grays blamed global warming entirely on their flatulence.
“I’m not sure this will work out,” said Bossy. “I’m not like you. I have to know.”
“I have calculated our success at 91.35%, a virtual certainty, counted Krlll. He would have given her a seductive wink, had he any eyebrows–a trait that Bossy still wasn’t used to. To her, he always seemed surprised.
“But I don’t care about the statistical probabilities at varience with the normal curve,” cooed he, believing that he actually sounded romantic.
“You don’t understand. Interracial relationships are hard here on Earth. We’d be ostracized by the cows, AND the Zeta Reticulans.”
“Let them laugh. I love you. You’re the most beautiful Earthling that I’ve met. Your fine framework, in all it’s nakedness, outstrips that of even the Hollywood idol.” Looking passionately into her eyes, he leaned closer and said, “I love you. E mine.”
They say ever since the Hatfields and the McCoy, that’s the way most familiy feuds end. A marriage: followed by seven translucent children, a goldfish and a dog.
Jo Smith from Writer of Fiction said:
“OK sister, I’m from the planet of people that see romance in everything, Stone Statues, sex pots on high heat, women with all the newest military weapons, sweet little ladies under the apple tree, cops who love to frisk you all over and a creature with 9 penises all hard and on point.
We are known as “Writers”. We all require two things to retain life, one is good wine that another team went to a grapey place to find and take into thier position, all the wine there.
The other is chocolate. Now get on board the space discombooalator We know you give cocolate milk and chocolate butter along with all the other chocolate products. You will live like a “Queen” better yet like a romance writer as long as you cooperate and give hordes of chocolate everyday. Now get going befor the old man get down here and we have to make him into bulldurum.
Get Me?”
Kelli McBride from Kelli Blogs said:
Hmmm…9 penises: could that be the perfect mate for the Martian Cutie with 9 eyes, 9 arms, and 9 legs featured in Sesame Street’s ditty about the guy’s Martian girlfriend?
“1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9: She’s a real Martian beauty, my number 9 cutie, she has 9 hairs on her head. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 tied up in ribbons of red.
She has 9 little eyes, all the same size, looking up, down, around and straight ahead.
She has 9 little holes in her turned up nose, and she snores when she goes to bed.
She has 9 arms, that’s one of her charms, each one just like the other. Some say that she looks like her dad, and some say she looks like her mother.
She’s got 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 little toes on her foot. She doesn’t go shopping cause she doesn’t like hopping, so usually she just stays put.
“You can view the video on You Tube:
For once, I hit a blank!!!!!!!!!!! This is pathetic, but here goes.
“Take me to your milker.”
The next challenge photo! And remember, you can post for the next week. I’ll gather up all the responses and post them (with a link to your blog or website!) a week or so later. Have fun!