Sorry for my absence. I’m having major computer issues. Only half this page is loading, so this might not even publish.
Tell me something, wouldn’t you be hesitant to ship out a computer for repair that contained so much of your personal information and interests on it? I paid extra for an in-home warranty and I really think this should be fixed. In. My. Home. I was made to believe that’s what I bought.
Have a feeling I’ll be coughing up the money for the new motherboard on the NEW computer. This really bites. Snarky is too tame a word for what I’m feeling on that subject.
On the more interesting subject of writing. I am. Like crazy. In fact, I’m on high speed myself from coffee tonight so I can try and get some stuff polished up.
And a particularly er… intense… critique from Rachel left me thinking and that is a very, very good thing. I now have a few issues with the book that I know how to repair. Nothing like fresh, painfully honest eyes. Heh heh! It was exactly what I needed.
I can’t seem to do a cut and paste without crashing this laptop I’m using while the other one lies in there dead and helpless. I really wish I’d done research on how this company handled warranties– other than listening to a line of BS from a salesman.
But, this laptop is supposed to be for writing only, so it doesn’t have the umph to be Internet friendly. I have special orders I need to upload into the Write Snark store and it won’t let me! It let me last week– check out that first design. It’s new!
Since I can’t cut and paste, Scene From a Pic will be postponed a few more days, so scroll down and write about what’s over that bridge. How about a computer company that makes fantastic, high speed, memory generous computers at decent prices… and… they find repair companies for people who need local warranty work.
Oh, here are a couple of the beautiful daughter’s beautiful pics. Oh wait. That’s right. That won’t work.