I love visiting the different writer blogs to see how each one approaches this career choice of ours. (Though, if you think about it, anyone with a blog is a writer. ) Some share interesting research links, some give a daily rundown of their activities. It’s fascinating to delve into other writer minds… to see how they deal with time management, rejection and sales.
I’m all over the place on this blog, eh?
Not lately. I’m soooo guilty of neglect toward you all. My daily posts slowly turned to every other day and recently, every few. We’d hit busy season folks. But… things with the kids will be slowing a bit and though my manuscript writing has been going well, I should be able to update the two blogs I write for more regularly as well.
Marching season is about to end. Volleyball is about to end. Highschool football season is ending.
The trade-off is holidays. I throw parties on Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last year, I threw four, yes four, Christmas parties. Not this year. I’m sooo tempted to have OKRWA here, but I’ve been waiting to hear from another group before I take that one on, too. (And well, I promised the hubby that I wouldn’t volunteer for anything else until the book is done…)
My annual Halloween party is this weekend. About thirty or forty adults come in costume. This particular group of family and friends is a trip. Last year, things were more subdued than usual because we’d recently had bad news and well, I was on the outs with family. But always before, it was a riot, with some of the most creative costumes you can imagine and games like existential charades after much, much wine.
Go ahead, figure out how to act out God sneezing. <g>
I haven’t even begun to decorate yet. The kids like to help and this week is still crazy with us having something to do every single evening. This Friday, we have to pick one of three things. (Quiet winter time needs to hurry it along.)
Someone suggested we play Dirty Minds at the party this year, but I just can’t see playing that game with my parents, you know? <g> Plus, there are teenagers and a few under twelve kids running around. I plan to set them upstairs in the brand new movie room with videos, but that doesn’t usually work.
Oh, and this is completely off the subject (just deal with my ADD) but the computer that had crashed came back on. Really. I’d tried to get the thing working for weeks and then gave up on it. Two days ago, I flipped it on– don’t know why– but it made a buzzing noise and everything started working again. Maybe it needed a break. Who knows? I’m just happy it’s working.
Other than that, I don’t have much news. Like I said, writing during the day time. I do have plans to put together some writing articles for this blog on specific subjects like setting, mood, emotion… fight scenes — that sort of thing. I’ve been taking notes. I’m working hard on the WIP and also working on a short, creepy story I didn’t get done in time for the Apex Halloween contest, but I wanted it to be especially good. Who knows? It may work for the magazine instead. I also need to do a little research on sci-fi/horror markets because I’d like to send Valen out again and can’t figure out where she’d fit.
In the evenings, I’ve picked up a few TV shows. Never used to watch the thing but I kind of like this new show Heroes and I LOVE Studio 60. Still keeping with Bones, House and Weeds. Oh, I also watch Dexter, which is infinitely fascinating but carries a depth of creepiness that leaves you feeling kind of hollow and a bit uncomfortable afterward. Being in the mind of a sociopath… it’s good for the writing, but makes me want to wrap my kids up and never let them loose in the world.