Music, like a smooth beat of emotion
Plays along with my days
It can soar to eye-watering crescendos
Or pulse in rhythmic steadiness
It can come in the form of a whisper
A small tap, tap, tap
That if ignored too long
Becomes a sharp thump on the nose
Sometimes, it’s a lone female soprano
Strong, yet slightly hollow
A sound not unlike the wood flute
Mystical, ethereal
Something of such pure beauty
My heart arrests
And I have to stop
Stand perfectly still
To better to absorb her plea
At times, voices join
In harmonic waves of evocative chorus
Each one sings of this very moment
Joy, sorrow
Discovery, enlightenment
Theirs is a cry for the listener to stop
To pay attention
There is a beauty, you know
To this rhythm of life
There are other times
When the music is loud
A heavy metal clamor
That beats a staccato at the
Base of my skull
Are you awake? Are you aware?
Are you plumbing your very depths to discover truth
Or are you afraid?
Afraid of what, really?
But then,
Then come those oh so few quiet times
When you hear that whisper
A lullaby,
A sweet, sweet song of promise
It chants softly in reminder
That in every breath
Every delicate beat of sound
There is something of purpose
A reason for you.
One I wrote a long time ago and just recently found. Needs serious work, but I’m fighting the beginnings of a monster headache and have a lot of work piled up on my desk. So, it can be good to share what a WIP looks like, eh? <g>
Don’t forget to take a ride on Rhian’s Monday Poetry Train and feel free to join in!
Stay tuned, I’ll have some great music recommendations coming up this week.