I was de-pantsed by Celise Downs.
The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List ten (10) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eleven people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. These eleven persons would have to tag 12 people.
5. You could also tag back, if desperate !
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
The Random Facts About Little Ol’ Me:
10. I don’t often paint my nails because typing messes with them and it’s a pain to keep them polished. Typing is much more important to me. Besides, they’re strong and grow long without me messing with them.
9. However, I can’t stand to have my toenails un-painted. I spend a lot of time barefoot. I mostly use Fall colors but will occasionally do something radical like blue or purple.
8. I don’t pluck my eyebrows. Had a beautician do it once and she said it would be better if I just left them alone. It was a painful experience for the both of us. I’m not sure she recovered. I have very, very thick hair.
7. I go through small obsession phases. They don’t always stick. Sometimes video games (Starcraft, Broodwar, Age of Empires–all of them, Sims), sometimes rereading a favorite series (The first six or seven Anita Blakes or the first six or seven JD Robb), sometimes working out. Not often on that last one, unfortunately. I went through a shameless ebook phase last year. So shameless, I still haven’t read all the ones I purchased.
6. I love to make a big meal on Sundays with all new dishes and invite friends and family to be guinea pigs. I give them wine first. Just in case. Muwhahahahah
5. For years, I couldn’t find lounging pants long enough for me. I dreamed of the day I’d find the perfect pants–longed for comfortable casuals because I curl my legs all over the place–I’m a pretzel.. But they’re all too short. One time in the dryer and it’s toast. Until now. I’ve found them and I freaking LOVE Victoria Secret’s yoga pants. They come in 34 inch inseams and the dryer doesn’t change them too much! Now, if someone could just find me a brand of sweats that are long, stay long, and are still slim enough not to make me look like a Shar Pei…
4. I, uh, like schedules. I like scheduled “writing only” days. If I don’t have them, I’m a bear. I’ve been a grizzly lately. A starved, tired one with thorns in her paws.
3. I love Fall so much, my family room is decorated in those colors year round. I even wear the colors year round. Winter comes in a close second. A good winter red sweater is every woman’s friend.
2. I sing loudly in my car. I will sometimes imagine I’m on a stage belting out anything from Bitter Sweet’s grooves to Tool. Don’t even get me started on Portishead. I’m nearly positive that Beth Gibbons is the only person who can do Portishead songs. But I love to sing them. Sometimes there are even people in my car with me. I do apologize ahead of time.
and the #1 Random Fact about me is:
1. Sorry–I’m a rule breaker and don’t send the tags on. Unfortunately, I haven’t done all the tags I’ve received and I end up feeling guilty about that. So… I don’t pass the guilt. LOL! You can play if you’d like. 🙂
To make up for it, I’ll recommend a movie. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer is sooo good! I’d love to see a movie series start with these two characters–the chemistry was wonderful!