I swear I’ll get back to regular blogging here very soon. I’m really digging into the changes my agent suggested on the WIP. It’s interesting coming at the story from a different angle–even more interesting trying to thread in parts already written. This is all so new to me and yes, while I’m a little intimidated, I still like the challenge. But since it IS so new, I’ve had to rethink the way I normally write a book. Until I get the hang of this, it’ll take a little extra focus.
When not working on this, I’ve been involved in the new website launch, so make sure to head over there and comment every day to win prizes. I believe today is my critique partner, Rachel Vincent’s, turn and if I’m remembering it correctly, three signed books are up for grabs. Plus, you can comment on all the posts this week up until midnight Friday night. Winners for this week will be announced Saturday. 😉