Battling a headache today and I think it’s because I’ve been studying like I’m back in school.
My critique partner is a genius. I was rattling off the new idea I’d come up with during research for the rewrites on the book and she asked a hard question. Hard because it made me realize I had NOT researched as deeply into something as I needed. But she’s a genius because a reader would have picked this up. I’d like to think I would have picked this up.
So, I investigated and this in turn, sent me into more research. In order to go into this “deep” research, I’ve been translating words and their meanings into Old Norse, then studying runes. This takes a LOT of time. (But I freaking LOVE it.)
Because of her difficult question, this book just took a huge step toward seriously, seriously cool.
I’m sooooo excited about getting this new version of my book to my agent. I don’t want to do anything else but live in this book right now.
Thanks Rachel! (BTW, don’t forget about her new release this week! Also, she’s blogging about what this is like at The Deadline Dames today.)