I’ve reached a point where the story is driving my life. In fact, I get frustrated when I get tired. Even my thighs are sore from holding this lap desk so much, yet I continue to go. It’s just so alive right now. I want a lap desk that doesn’t actually sit on my legs. <g>
I’ve also been reading the ROD entries for the Deadline Dames challenge. Man, narrowing down the winner is difficult. Lots of talented writers out there. Yet, it’s also fun. I found a FANTASTIC image for the next ROD challenge and contacted the artist, who was cool with us using his work to create. I can’t wait for everyone to see it next week. Dame Devon has a very good post on outlining up today, so check it out.
Life is hectic as usual, but with me digging in so hard with the writing, other things are suffering. I forgot to check phone messages and missed a few calls last week. I swear, I’m not rude. Just not really in my own life right now. In fact, over the weekend, my husband would ask, “Are you here or in that blizzard in your book?” before he’d bother to talk to me. Said I had a glazed expression most of the time.
Ironically, we did have a “blizzard” here. Yeah. Blizzard. A dusting of beautiful snow that last all day and then melted when the sun came up Saturday night. My daughter took some gorgeous pics but she hasn’t loaded them. I’ll post them when she gets them to me.
Hope everyone is enjoying spring!