Ever have one of those days when you get hit with a little too much? Friday was my day. I was feeling the pressure. (Most of it not writing related, btw.)
Then my lovely critique partner called for a true “pick me up” session.
Rachel and I may have started our relationship through a business perspective, but we’ve become friends and can both sense when it’s time to offer support. Since we’re both writers, one understands a lot of the other’s angst–that helps. <G>
And okay, she was also worried because she’d just confirmed something I already knew about my WIP.
I’ve struggled with this book. The story is cool, the characters are cool–but they’re not coming across the way I feel them. Just couldn’t seem to get that translation to paper the way I wanted it.
Rachel swore up and down all I needed was “that” click. That the story is great.
Normally “that” click happens a little faster for me. But I normally write from an adult perspective. This story, this trilogy has to be from a younger perspective or it doesn’t work. And I want it to work. I love this story. 🙂
Well, she was right. I just needed the click. And it happened. Friday night of all times. Seriously, it’s like the day was so difficult, I hit a wall. I had a choice. Back down or scale it. So I scaled. I bought pizza for the family and shut myself in my office. Cleaned it to remove all distractions and just focused on my story–what I wanted for this particular tale.
Ended up being the best thing ever. I didn’t sleep much this weekend. This polish is going fast now that I can see what I’d missed before. I’m loving my book again.