I had a very good week. Not in the job search, no. But I did pick up some contract work and that’s a plus. The good news was writing related and it’s not anything to really share yet, but I will say I’m hopeful.
And I’m writing. A lot. Odd disjointed scenes at this point, but some of my best scenes come to me out of sequence and they ALWAYS end up sliding right into a manuscript.
I came up with a possible new idea. For another series. I’d like to finish the two I’ve started so far first, of course, but I do have something simmering–which is good. When I don’t have something lined up to write, I feel like a lost soul. <G>
Met with good friends at Barnes and Noble today and checked out the teen section. Found three Deadline Dame offerings near each other! First, is my critique partner, Rachel Vincent’s, then Strange Angels by Lilith St. Crow and the last was in several places and it has a short story by Karen Mahoney! I’m totally ready to see my own books lining these shelves.