Editing yesterday’s post because I want to leave it up. But there is still a lot of exciting news happening at The Dames this week. Keri Arthur’s book, Bound to Shadows, is hitting the NYT at number 6 next week!!!!! (Keri is another awesome Dame-and not only because she sends me Australian chocolate. <g>)
It was my turn to post again at The Deadline Dames and today, I put up this month’s ROD challenge. You can win a copy of this book!!! I absolutely loved the first book in the series, Strange Angels, so I can’t wait for Betrayals. (And just so you know, Dame Lili St. Crow is the bomb. I’m nuts about her!)
Click on this gorgeous cover to get your own copy. (BTW, the giveaway at The Dames is the very first one for this book!) To read more about the first three books in the series, go here.