With my mind full of moving tasks like packing, mail, utilities and more, there hasn’t been a lot of room for my work and I was getting frustrated. So, I gave myself permission to take a break. But the mind doesn’t quit completely and I end up stopping to sketch scenes or look up a bit of research. Plus, there is that part of my brain still on what’s happening in the submission process–can’t do a thing about that. 😉
I’ve brought up my thoughts on writing being a process of tapping into a story that already exists, which if you know me is a pretty funny comment. My personal life is one of what’s logical and what isn’t. I’m into tangibles.
My fantasy life, however, the very thing responsible for the stories, is completely different. I love to answer the what if question. Sometimes, I think I live for it. What if this really existed? What if this happened? How would this character react? And when this part of me takes over and I stumble on a piece of research I had already added to the story or a plot point that fits like a puzzle piece, I do sometimes experience a sort of internal argument. My painfully rational side starts to lose a bit to the side that craves the idea of magic and mayhem.
Because when the story is going well, when it raises goosebumps on your arms or takes over your sleep, it does feel like you’ve reached out and grasped hold of another world. That you’ve been gifted with a glimpse into something that already exists and all you can do is hold on and enjoy the ride.