Let me just say that receiving an email or tweet from readers looking for more of my work really gives me a lift. I’m thrilled you like what you’ve read so far. Recently, I had a request for links to all the snippets/excerpts I’ve posted of FORETOLD. I’ve also heard from a couple of blog reviewers who stumbled upon the excerpts and wanted more. You all simply rock. I’m glad you’re interested because I really love the Lockwood triplets.
So, here’s a special treat. Raven, Rowan and Kat Lockwood came to me when I read this part of The Poetic Edda.
Thence come the maidens
Mighty in wisdom,
Three from the dwelling
Down ‘neath the tree;
Urd is one named,
Verthandi the next,
On the wood they scored,
And Skuld the third.
Laws they made there,
And life allotted
To the sons of men,
And set their fates.
From The Poetic Edda
And here is the gathering of links. I know, the snippets/excerpts are pretty short. (With the exception of the first, which is a tad too long.) But I can’t give toooo much away, ya know?
Vanir and Raven-first meet. http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=1547
Crazy at Walmart. http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=2249
A short,sexy kiss scene. 😉 http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=3350
I won’t be sharing any more snippets on this book, but it’s possible there will be more of another of my projects, Unnatural Selection. (It’s in the dystopian YA page above.)
And if you’re interested in my other series on submission-this one an urban fantasy for adults so it’s a little more violent <g>– I did share a small glimpse of DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD at the Dames’ site, too. http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=812
Last but not least, don’t forget you can comment to enter the drawing to win The Mammoth Book of Special Ops Romance at The Deadline Dames. It’s possible I’ll be taking Marcus and Erica on a further adventure. Yeah, I received requests for that too. Oh, so much to write!! Gotta love that.
Thank you so much for all the positive responses. I appreciate them. 🙂
Edit: I actually came back and LINKED my links. LOL!