Thanks for all the emails and tweets about the last snippet. You guys are soooo good for me. 😉
Sorry for so much blog silence this week. I’ve been hard at work on several things–mostly the dystopian young adult. I haven’t started rewrites yet, so I gave Rae permission to take over the brain a while longer and wow, did she. But so did Kerr! I’m half in love with him already. Can’t imagine how I’ll feel by the end of the book.
Okay, yeah, I tend to fall for all my heroes. <G>
I wrote before about writing through stressful situations and I’m going to carry that further now. Now that some of that personal life stress is gone, I’ve REALLY been kicking it. In fact, I’m starting to do that live, eat and breathe thing with my WIP.
I. Love. This. Part.
Sinking all the way into another world is… okay, I just asked my 13 year-old son what the cool word would be and he said uberness. So, I’m experiencing uberness.