My rewriting project is finished. I basically let everything go and just dove into that world for the last seven days. I truly enjoy this sort of highly concentrated time. My poor body does not. Eyes, head and of all things, feet, complained. Why feet? When I get excited, I prop them on the edge of the erm, box, I’m using for a footrest. And I got into it a lot this week. This apparently strained the top of my feet. Weird, eh?
So, to give the mind (and feet!) a rest, I’ll be offline most of the weekend. Have sister stuff and friend stuff and I think I’ll cook a few things. Oh and there’s all the laundry and other house stuff I let go.
I’m jumping right back into my dystopian YA on Monday. I’m on a roll so I’m not taking off long. (Knowing me, I’ll be sketching Rae scenes by Sunday anyway.)
Don’t forget we have a seriously cool prize up for this month’s Readers on Deadline at the Deadline Dames.
And OH!!! We had another exciting Dame release! Jealousy by Lili St. Crow!