Still going strong. I burrowed in yesterday–even my daughter cooked and brought me lunch. (Oh, did I like that-thinking of making every month a NaNo. ) Wrote until my vision blurred so then I got up to clean my office. Turning into a piggy.
But, I brought in a partial scene, made it sooo much better, then added a ton of new words.
Yesterday’s total was 3941.
Now, I’m coming up on a couple of “rough to write” scenes, so I expect I’ll hit around my goal of 2k today. But I’m still going to hope for more. 🙂
Don’t forget, my critique partner, Rachel Vincent, and I are in this together this month. (Okay, we pretty much are always in this stuff together, but you get my drift.) Check on her progress by following our little button here. 🙂