I kicked butt. Not in word count entirely, but in the quality of words produced yesterday. The step back to mull the story worked and though I didn’t make up my word count for the missed Monday, the words I wrote yesterday are good words, so I’m verra happy.
Words yesterday–1855 (But more because I went back and edited two scenes for character inconsistency, so I cut, cut, cut and actually wrote over 3000 new words.)
Honestly, it’s hard to continue writing a story when your protagonist strays too far out of character and that’s where I hit a bump. I messed her up so she refused to help guide the story. My bad. I let her back in as “herself” and it was all good after that. heh heh
I will also admit that this partially happened because I was dealing with a little disappointment. Nothing new. It’s just that things on the submission front are painfully quiet. Even with the interested publishers. Some days, the quiet eats away at a person, so those days ,writing can be a little more of a struggle. I’ve had a couple of them recently–and they almost always happen on Fridays, no matter how much I go into the day with a positive attitude. Luckily, a good night’s sleep and a self pep talk brings me back into the flow.
Don’t forget to check on my CP’s progress! Rachel Vincent is in the race to a finished roughdraft this month with me and trust me, we are so good for each other when it comes time for a little more than a self-pep talk. 🙂
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