Got a chuckle out of the bitchiest ladies on the net today. Smart Bitches, Trashy Books If you ever have any free time, go back over their cover snark. It’s worth it!. Here’s a little taste of today’s offering …
“Third, can we discuss how ever almighty tired I am of the assumption that romance readers are stupid, mouth-breathing morons who like their romance dull and flaccid, instead of spattered, smothered, covered, and chunked with, oh, good writing and clever insights to characters and history and culture? I know that I am not dumb (hence the name of the site) and while I’m somewhat used to people looking down on my choice of reading material for the happy ending, which as we discussed is somehow the hallmark of lower-classed reading, I’m rather shocked at being dismissed by this person I’ve never heard of for being too stupid and dense to absorb a complex story. “
Found a band called The Real Snark. Not much music offered, but you could probably search them out for more if you are so inclined.
This is a snark for Jill– the ultimate mullet obsessed. Mullet mullet Make sure to look closely for the subliminal message…
Ouch! Older column, but new to me. This lady is spewing major snark about bloggers. :: Columns :: Lord of the blogs by Kathleen Parker – Dec 28, 2005
“Bloggers persist no matter their contributions or quality, though most would have little to occupy their time were the mainstream media to disappear tomorrow. Some bloggers do their own reporting, but most rely on mainstream reporters to do the heavy lifting. Some bloggers also offer superb commentary, but most babble, buzz and blurt like caffeinated adolescents competing for the Ritalin generation’s inevitable senior superlative: Most Obsessive-Compulsive.”
As for me, I named my blog The Write Snark as a tribute to my snarky little t-shirt shop. I did plan to do major snark at least once a week or so. Problem is, I’m not all that bitchy. I can be. Big time. But most of the time, I’d rather talk shop. Writing, music, books. Interesting things I find out there in Internet Land.
I do like to read good snark. Visit my favs like Pandagon and Shakespeare’s Sister, etc… but it seems we have enough good snarky writers out there covering major news stories.
I will offer the occasional snark. Hopefully, with some humor to cheer your day. I will occasionally get torked about something or other and share.
Some people believe the word snark means bitchy. It can. It can also mean attitude– but with some intelligence and real thought behind it. I like to wear funny, snark-filled t-shirts. A good smart-assed coffee mug can make my day start out right… but most of my snark will come in the form of fiction tidbits and the occasional gripe.
So, what does the word “snark” mean to you?