The pastel options in my last WordPress theme drove me nuts. I like pastels… in some things, but I prefer deeper, jewel tones.
I also like dark blogs, but I don’t like white words on a dark background. This theme offered hard colors, the grittier, darker feel that fits my writing more and the actual posts are on a lighter board. Works for me. It just takes a long, long time to get a site together, so I’d been putting it off or just settling for a change in header or two.
It’s done for now and it’ll stay like this until I have a professional website done with an attached blog. That’s a ways off at this point, but I have bought the domain. <g>
So, I’m going to make dinner for the family, then follow through with the tagline here. Burn some midnight oil since I have writing time to make up and it always seems to flow better in the night hours. In fact, I also uncluttered my workspace to better unclutter the head.
I’m past all my surgical stuff and feeling great, so it’s time to get into that solid, rhythmic flow of a daily word count. Besides, I need to give my wonderful, workhorse critique partner, Rachel Vincent, some healthy competition and maybe… something good to read soon. 🙂