Note: Images are winking in and out of dimensions on my website, but they will all soon be back, safe and sound. WordPress had an issue with a new image server or something. Me thinks maybe some of my writing gremlins got loose. *They will soon be returning to the sidelines here.*
This is my Monday post a little early. I have work and writing goals to hit everyday this week, so thought I’d set this up now.
Had a really great weekend. Talked on the phone with Terri–someone who never fails to remind me of the best things in life. Like her. 😉 I also spent some fantastic quality time with the family.
I dowloaded Liquid Story Binder software on Giveaway of the Day (Thanks for the tip, Heather!) and at first thought it would be this huge time waster. It has so many options, I was a little overwhelmed at first. But…
I love it!!! My workspace looks a little different than the one here as an example, but it’s pretty close. I used colors of my choice, window sizes of my choice. My images are in a gallery to the right, my notes on the left and the middle types up to look like it would in a paperback, only I have something other than white as the background. All I have to do is click on one of the images to bring it up large for description, etc. Everything is saved in RTF so I can move it into Word when needed, but it also lets you set up a workspace for each chapter. When I open Chapter Two for instance, the images and notes I have for it are opened along with the chapter. Chapter three has its own gallery, notes, etc. When the chapters are done, LSB puts them all together in one document for you.
And yes, while I did spend a little time working with the new software, I only learned what I needed to get started. There are more options I’m sure I’ll love, but the word goal comes first.
Speaking of which, I hit 3000 words tonight, so I’m turning off the ‘puter to watch a movie and relax. I worked up a pay job schedule for the week and I’m sticking to it, no matter what. Letting myself get as exhausted as I did last week is a bad, bad idea. Have to leave energy for the brain to weave the story.