Another shot from my daughter. Fits my mood a bit more today. I’ll admit it. I’m feeling quite melancholy over missing Conestoga when it’s so close. My CP and agent are there–plus a lot of UF authors I’d like to meet in person. Also have to pass on the RWA conference in San Francisco next week.
My hubby is trying to cheer me up. He’s already called this morning. Twice. It’s only eight thirty. <g> He has me searching the Internet for vintage, tin gas and automobile signs. Thinks that will take my mind off things. Uh…
On a lighter note, someone arrived on my website by searching for “what is the use of rinda?” ROFL!
Another fun search was brain gremlin. By far, the most traffic is coming from people searching for Anita Blake images. They are being directed to this post.
So, I’m going to work on dumping this mood and get some real progress on the WIP this weekend. Turning down family gatherings–which always makes me soooo popular. 😉
I’m off to find Heather’s Friday Zen…