(Photo by Dani Simmonds)
I was in desperate need of mind calming devices over the weekend.
Writers are constantly torn–at least this one is. I work in a separate job that helps pay the bills, so my choice for weekend time would be for the work I love. I also have a family who deserves a little fun now and then and friends I love who like to spend time with us.
This constant struggle, the push and pull and fight for time gets to me. My hubby–who will probably understand the importance of that time when there is actual pay involved– currently feels that getting out of the house is the solution. I’ve been bummed over some personal matters, missing Conestoga and then again, having to skip the RWA conference this week. He felt “sitting around” wouldn’t take my mind off these things.
Seems I have to figure out how to write while walking around. LOL!
So while I did get in about 1000 words on Saturday, most of this past weekend was filled with friends and fun. My kids had a blast. They tried wake-boarding, swam until they wrinkled and skimmed most of the lake on an inflatable tube hooked to the back of a boat.
(photo by Steve Woods.)
I ate sun-hot, greasy, fried chicken with my lake fingers, sipped cold water and a beer or two, and watched from the sidelines since I’m not far enough out of surgery for such things. It was hot. Very, very hot. The kind of hot that physically beats against your face, makes your muscles and brain sluggish and melts the ink right off the end of a pen.
Have to admit, the smiles on my exhausted hubby and kids’ faces last night was worth the full day out. 🙂
I shouldn’t feel bad since progress on the story is actually happening. It’s constantly forming and shaping in my mind. Scenes play out while I’m doing anything from scrambling an egg to driving to the post office. I know me. At some point, everything will be set aside, I’ll dig in and get the book finished fast. It’s one thing I have in common with my CP, Rachel Vincent. We both write fast.
She keeps telling me the difference is, she knows less people. heh heh