You wouldn’t believe the current “getting-ready-for-school” schedule this week. Two ortho appts, one immunization, sign ups, football practices, school supplies, school clothes, schedule pick up days, locker practice days, orientations–several!, shopping for books needed. (Okay, that one doesn’t bother me in the least. <g>) There’s more, but I’m tired of typing it all up.
I’m also working during this. Since I work in my house, I can pretty much move my schedule around but how do full time outside-of-the-house working moms do all this? And you know what? I really feel for the ones who want to be writers, as well. We are all too busy.
However, I only took two projects, so it should be okay and my evenings are still free for writing (I’m having too much fun with the current WIP so it’s become a matter of working around the writing instead of fitting it in–yay!) and critiquing. Gotta reassure my CP since her writing schedule is scary right now. 😉
I’m supposed to have dinner with friends Friday night and Saturday during the day. I want to have time for my friends but with all these “have to” things, sometimes those are the things that have to be bumped. Not yet, though, still gonna try. 🙂
The good thing is, maybe my mind will be too busy to dwell on my book’s status. Yeah right. heh heh
However, in less than two weeks time, the days are MINE AGAIN! I love my kiddos but I love having my days back to myself. Look out word counts!