It’s a new week full of new possibilities!
I’ve been going back and forth on what to write next. My gut wants to write my second books in both series, my head is saying wait until we see if the first books find a home. So the head/gut war has kept me from settling on one project and I’ve been working on some short pieces and writing different scenes for the gut books.
And as you all know, my family has been dealing with the economy and I’ve been job hunting. So, there’s been some stress there.
But I NEED to be writing. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. Going back and forth on small things is not how I roll. So, last week, I caved and began to work in earnest on one of those second books. My Beri book has such a complete structure in my head that moving on from the written chapters will go smoothly whenever I dive in. Plus, that one has a full synopsis, outline and several chapters finished.
Book two in my young adult series is simmering strong, but I hadn’t really sat down and done a full scene by scene outline. I wrote a synopsis for book one and a packet of projections for the entire trilogy–my agent went out with that packet. But I probably need to get a more detailed synop together. So I dug into that one. Hauled out all my research books and oh, the giddiness returned full force.
I LOVE coming up with the full story.
I LOVE this part of the process.
Threading the mythology throughout the story is so freaking fun. I did sketch out a few scenes in more detail than needed, but I also came up with a wonderful ending! I will race through the writing of this book to get to that scene! Actually, I have three or four full scenes that kick butt, so I’m really wanting to just dive into the writing of the book itself. I’m still going back and forth on the opening and knowing me, I’ll write three different versions, then um, go with that gut again. <g>
And in doing the research for this book, I realized I left out a slight explanation for two scenes in book one. Luckily, I don’t think they’ll be enough to stop an editor who really loves the book, but I will be pointing out that easy fix when I do interest one. (Positive thinking good.)
Oh!I could use a bit of help!
I’m looking for suggestions. I need representations of my hero in book two. He needs to have blonde hair, but a hint of red would be even better. (The reddish tinge is important for the mythology.) Wanna see the visuals I used of the characters in book one? This is Vanir and Raven. 🙂
This is an important scene setting.