Still working amidst chaos here. Absolutely no writing yet, but I’m starting to dwell on the desire more and more. I’m hoping to knock out a lot of the clutter this weekend and with a FREAKING BLIZZARD coming, shouldn’t be hard. I don’t EVER remember a possibility of 5 to 10 inches of snow around my birthday before. And yes, I have one next week and no, I will not share my age. (And Mom, since this blog copies into Facebook and you read there, you aren’t allowed to say. No hints either. <g>)
Not much to report on the submission front still. There are a few things happening, but nothing concrete and nothing to talk about yet. I suppose it’s good I have something to take my mind off that, but I do wish it hadn’t been this crazy move. As you can probably guess, I’m a little tired and a lot overwhelmed at this point. But I’m determined to whip this place into shape and get my working area together so I can dive back in as soon as possible.
My incredible family really stepped in to help me the last couple of weeks. We had a lot of unexpected work crop up, so I couldn’t have come this far without them. And they helped take my mind off my exhaustion and the worry over my husband’s. Poor man picked up a terrible stomach flu in the middle of all this and he was down only one day before he pushed on.
I’ll never forget my brother spreading Kilz on walls and ceilings while barking out this horrid adventure/romance about a couple named Malory and Ragnarok and the Thrusting Stone of Thrust. He used this dramatic, gravelly voice that cracked my youngest sister up so much, I’d pass a room and just find her holding a suspended paint roller, eyes shut, cackling. They all chipped in for food and drinks and one sister went home a couple of nights to cook the most delicious food and bring it back. I even had a couple of uncles I haven’t seen in a long time show up to help hand texture an entire house. I was so touched. My father and mother were here daily. My brother-in-law worked his butt off to help. Friends showed to help throw all that last minute stuff into boxes–gorilla packing, we called it.
It’s been incredible. I am one lucky, lucky woman. 🙂