Moving is difficult for more reasons than boxing everything up and unpacking in other places. (Or in our case, since we downsized, moved around A LOT.) It takes a while to settle into a place. I lived in this house for eight years so you’d think I’d settle back in, but I’m a nester and I REALLY nested in my last house. As you can probably surmise by this post, I didn’t want to sell that one, but sometimes the best decisions are the hardest ones.
So, I’m working to settle back into the place we lived while my kids were little. With one teen and one turning into a teen next month, they’re bigger now. It is a bit crowded, but we’re dealing. This house may be smaller overall, but the master bedroom is considerably larger and has a room-sized sitting area, so I have a lovely work space. But still haven’t figured out where to put all my books.
I have A LOT of books.
( Picture of my last office. There were two other walls with free standing bookshelves! )
I packed some up to give away and the box sat in the entry for over a week. Finally accepted yesterday that I can’t bear to give up any of the books yet. I did give my treadmill to Goodwill and I miss that stupid thing every day. But seriously, no room for that monster machine here.
The best part of living in this place is I can write full time again. I want to dig in and get this career of mine going. Want it with a fierce passion that has me sitting at this computer daily already even though I’m still going back and forth on what to write. Do I write second books in the series or trilogy out on submission? Or do I write something completely new in case those don’t sell?
I’d rather stay positive and believe they’ll sell, so I’m hesitant to start something new just yet. I have been working on the dystopian YA here and there but haven’t totally committed to it—not until I know whether I’ll be doing rewrites on the series already started. So, there’s some frustration bubbling. But it’s still overshadowed by excitement. My family dumped loads of stress with this move, so dreamer me is free to mind roam.
I still have books out there and an agent who believes in those books, so there are tons of fun possibilities in the air.
Maybe it’s time to revisit my past and work on some short fiction until I have some answers. I love writing short fiction—love the challenge of a full story in a small space. So yeah, sometimes small spaces can be good. 😉