Every so often I post an intriguing photo to spark creativity and then let the Snarky readers write. I post your piece along with a link to your site or blog when it’s time for the next one.
It can be a scene, a plot or just a line! Try writing in a new genre… or give poetry a try. If this picture doesn’t spark something, no worries– we’ll do it again in a couple of weeks. If you’re curious, I have all the past writing in the Scene From a Pic category in the far right column.
Here’s a nice, mysterious pic for you this time! The last picture and the inspired pieces follow…
And here is the last spooky one for Halloween!
Betty from http://dishinthedirt.blogspot.com/ wrote:
Gaia, the earth goddess, arising from winter and reaching out to embrace the sun.
And I played this time. 🙂
In summer, the branches grew so heavy with leaves and pesky bird’s nests, her arms ached from the weight. The insects chewed through her flesh, tunneling deep as they took years off her lifespan.
In fall, sleep death crept up from the ground, pierced her center, and killed the leaves. Yet nothing prepared her for winter when the trees around her slumbered and she… she stayed ever awake… ever aware. One long day after another with the sun beating through bare branches and drying her bark.– the frigid wind following close behind, ripping the fragile bits away as starving creatures dug into what was left. They created burrows, supped on her roots.
Spring was the only tolerable season. Too short, it sped by in a whirlwind of food and brief, tolerable warmth. Yet, she hated it the most. For there was nothing to distract her as she waited out this prolonged death. Nothing to keep her mind off the fact that her own arrogance brought her to this fate.
And curse fate she did.
Why oh why had her mojo picked that that day to fail? And on a stupid forest wizard?