Why unofficial? I’m not technically signing up for the NaNoWriMo this month. I never have actually, but I had planned to this year because I want a roughdraft finished by the end of November. I should have finished this particular book some time ago, but had been struggling with it and two other projects.(Okay and let’s face it, I’ve had rumblings in the publishing world about my Norse books and it’s gone on for some time now. There are no guarantees in this business, so who knows where it will go, but I let myself get caught up in the tension of being SO CLOSE!) I can’t afford to let my mind stay in that stressful place anymore, so I’m sinking into a new project 100%. Now that I know where it needs to go, I should be able to slam through my daily word goal.
Why not sign officially? Because I have roughly six chapters of this book done which is quite a bit. I am starting over, but I’ll be pulling bits and pieces from those six chapters–some of the scenes I like will fit nicely into the new plot. The NaNoWriMo is about working with characters you aren’t invested in already.
So, my daily goal is 2k. I normally hit 3k easily but I’m a little out of practice and want to ease back up to that. With what’s already written, I should hit my goal of 50k (for purposes of cartoon-but closer to 60k)by the end of the month. This meter will start at zero, which may seem like cheating on the days I get to use completed scenes, but I plan to add to new words daily, so it’ll even out in the end.
Off I go!