Okay, yesterday rocked. (In writing only!) Yes, some of these words were imports from the old manuscript, but I rewrote them to fit new plot, took out a character, added back in a different character, fleshed out new setting which will still need work in next draft. I didn’t want to stop the flow too much because in addition to all that rewriting, I added about 1800 new words. (Current goal is 2k a day, so I’m verra pleased!) I’m counting all words worked on yesterday at this point because I truly “worked” on them. Twas intense! As I said, my NaNo is not official and there will be days with fewer words to balance the import days out. 😉
Words yesterday? 3884
I’ve got a decent handle on this story now and am running with it.
Don’t forget, my critique partner, Rachel Vincent, and I are in this together. Make sure to click on our button (Yeah, this is a lame quickie one…but we have books to write!) so you can stop by her blog to see her progress and wish her luck, too. 🙂
Also important and very exciting–good friend and fellow Deadline Dame, Devon Monk, has a big release this week. I can’t wait to read this book! I love Allie Beckstrom!
Devon posted an excerpt here or you can click on the book and visit Amazon for the synopsis… or better yet, to buy it. 😉
I’ll also be blogging at the Deadline Dames today. It’s the first time I don’t have it written before the day it’s due. With all my Un-NaNo focus, it slipped the mind. So, off to find good topic. Hope all those working on their NaNo projects are remembering the most important thing. Have fun with it!