I was going to post the entire first half of chapter one of Unnatural Selection, but honestly, I worry about sharing that much of the book on a public website.
What happened to this book you ask? I kept seeing editors talk about getting too many dystopian YA submissions, so I set it to the side to bring it back out at a later date. Plus, I finished the first draft and started in on critiques with Rachel Vincent, and she quickly confirmed what I knew in my gut–I’d made things tooooo easy for my Scavs.
But I really want to get this book right. I love Rae and Kerr so much! So, I’m going into deep revision mode and carving a main character out of the story. His presence offered too many answers to problems. And I LOVE him, so I have to find him a new role. This is gonna take some work, but “too much dystopian or not” I love this book and want to do it justice.
I also plan to polish up a couple of other finished projects, so my blog posts will once again be a bit sporadic over the next couple of weeks.
As for my Norse trilogy…I’ve been working on that again, too. I know, I said I wouldn’t write book two until book one sold, but I’m finding it hard to resist the call. Taran, the boy with Thor’s soul, is one of my most intriguing characters so I want to learn more about him.
This is actually more than a couple of weeks of planned work here. Obviously. <g> The finished projects are novellas that are pretty much done and just need final touches. The other two YA books will be done one at a time. I like to crawl into one story at a time for this sort of revision work.
I’ll still post and still be on Twitter and occasionally Facebook. I also have the Readers on Deadline to post this Wednesday at The Deadline Dames. See you there hopefully! Cool prize coming up this month. 😉
Don’t forget, there’s a fun snippet of the second book in my Norse YA trilogy just a couple of posts down.