My kids are the critters. <g> They get bored and come in to chat, so the writing gets interrupted. But that’s okay. I’m still getting a lot done and I love them like crazy.
I broke my cave rule though to share that I LOVE MY KINDLE.
Yeah, I recently got one and oh man, is it the coolest thing. It’s hardly ever out of my sight. I’m buying a LOT of books-way more than I have in the past couple of years. Sometimes daily. I’m not only buying from Amazon, but they are getting a lot of business from me right now. (Which is why I’ll eventually get a Nook and Sony to spread the support around. )
But I buy or pre-order and the books arrive on my reader like magic. (I’m charged the day they’re delivered, so I’m thinking these have to count toward first week sale numbers.) I can make the print bigger when my eyes are tired from writing on a screen all day. I can shut it down, turn it on and it’s on the page I left it. It weighs next to nothing. I can put books into different categories. OH! I can email my own work to it for free and read my stuff like it’s a book. (Love that part!)
The only downside so far is I do miss the pretty book covers and I won’t read on it in the bathtub. Too clumsy. So, I’ll still be buying print books from my favorite authors, but I’m a fan of ebooks too. I kind of feel the need to share that because there have been a lot of recent blow-ups on the Internet about them. I have so many favorite authors and I believe 100 percent in supporting them, but I do hope ebook sales count because it’s hard to beat the convenience.