The hubby and I are looking forward to this show. My first name is Norse and it means giant. Before I knew that, my interest in the history and mythology was strong. I read everything I could get my hands one. I even wrote an entire young adult novel (the first in a trilogy) around modern day heroines and heroes using the wonderful myths. That trilogy had six big publishers come forward with interest but it didn’t pan out. Honestly? That was one of the hardest experiences I’ve gone through because I had harsh personal stuff going on at the time. I had editors calling it strong, wonderful and romantic. Yet, none seemed ready to take that plunge into a mythology that isn’t as well known as Greek, etc.
Thing is, that book is STILL under consideration at several houses. One of them is a dream publication of mine and the wait is killer. Things move so, so, so slowly in the publishing world. I still believe in these books, so I’m thinking of publishing them myself. Because I love them. They are about three sisters who share a fate that changes the world. The first book is about Raven and Vanir. I’d love for you guys to get to read about them. 🙂