Little groggy from lack of sleep this week so the brain feels wrapped in heavy layers of fog. You know it’s bad when you’re trying to carry on an interesting conversation with the hubby and you check out twice in one sentence.
With the fires and early hurricane, complaining about our constant storms feels petty, so I won’t. But I will say that my brain is now on a new nighttime tornado watch schedule and it sucketh.
But I do feel the need to momentarily bitch about the spider issue! They want out of the soggy outside as much as everything else, so they’re finding their way into everything. Yesterday, one in a cabinet. One in the bathtub. One in a shoe. One in the (eek) toilet! There was even one on my pillow last night.
But we’ve been unable to catch or scare away the huge beast in the mailbox. I tried leaving the door open, but I guess it likes the new, nice, warm, dry home. The mailbox sits inside brick and the second you open it, the huge thing scampers to the back and squeezes down a hole in the back. I feel sorry for the mail lady.
Groggy or not, I’ve got to get some work done today. I plan to head back to my sister’s tomorrow to help. I’m enjoying having a new baby around.
OH, speaking of new baby! My friend and fellow OKRWA member became a new momma last night! Congratulations on you new little boy, Shelia!!!!!
If anyone was inspired by this month’s SFAP image, I’ll be posting on the 15th, so you still have nearly a week to polish up those pieces. 🙂