“O deities of the underworld, to whom all we who live must come, hear my words, for they are true. I come not to spy out the secrets of Tartarus, nor to try my strength against Cerberus, the three-headed dog with snaky hair who guards the entrance. I come to seek my wife, whose opening…
Author: RindaElliott
Drive By
I’m in the zone. I’m submerged. I’m exhilarated. This is why I do this. In the middle of revamping my WIP and no, it’s not one of those revision slumps where you never move past the first few chapters. Been there. Done that. No. I have moved beyond. In fact, I wrote ahead and learned…
Agent Week at Rachel’s!
Everyone make sure to spend some time here Rachel Vincent this week. It’s Agent Week and this will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the Irene Goodman Literary Agency. Questions welcome! From Rachel: My agent, the fabulous Miriam Kriss, has agreed to spend the week with us on Work in Progress, answering questions, profiling…
Scribes and Writer’s Groups
I recently got in some books and this DVD from Writers Digest Book Club. Scribes is basically a conference on DVD. Shot at the Surrey International Conference in 2003, it has great writing advice and one-on-one interviews with bestselling authors like Diana Gabaldon, Anne Perry, Terry Brooks, John Saul, Jack White and others. The director…
In a mellow mood today… It is hard to believe this used to be a death metal band. http://www.awnightsfall.com/maly/Anathema-temporary%20peace.mp3 Thanks to Deb Deb’s Blog for showing me how to finally put actual music on my blog. Added this pic to share that lovely red, curly hair. (g)
Flawed Cop Heroines
Last night, I watched Oxygen, a seven year-old thriller about kidnapping, murder and uncontrollable base desires. I’ve seen it before and since I’ve gone over and over a story this week until I can no longer read it objectively, I thought it would make a good break. While there are some plot holes that bothered…
Writer Lag
I do apologize for my absence lately. I am immersed in Fictionland and am only coming up for air when I have to do Mom stuff. I even sat in my car for the two hours of karate yesterday and wrote frantically in a notebook. My poor kids. I had an idea during dinner and…