I’ve been in one heck of an off mood today. Couldn’t focus enough to write squat, couldn’t decide between the two activities we’d been invited to tonight and I’m sick of laundry so I just shut the door and pretended it wasn’t there. I love my house but keeping this puppy clean takes up too…
Author: RindaElliott
And Now For Something Completely Different
Okay, I’m sure by now that I have made a few of you wary. Yeah, I make odd t-shirts. Yeah, I’m slightly obsessed with music. Yeah, I make my own freaking wine. And yes, I write anything from romance, to mainstream fiction to horror. So why not just prove how weird I can be? (Believe…
It’s Still the Snark!
I changed up the color scheme and a few other things to hopefully make The Write Snark easier for some people to read. It’s still me! Today, I’m just going to share some Christmas party pictures from the Oklahoma Romance Writer’s annual gathering. This year it was at my house. Pictures by Sara Moments of…
Wine and a Couple of Recipes
I love lazy weekends in front of my fireplace with a glass of wine and a book… or my laptop. I like coffee just as much, but we’ll talk about wine today. This morning, I started two batches. Pinot Noir and a Riesling. I have one bottle of my last perfectly aged Pinot that I’m…
No Patience Today.
Once a freaking ‘gain there are formatting issues. I have a great piece planned for today, but I’m not in the mood to have it come out in a big, messy jumble. Writers are funny about things like that. We have paragraph breaks for a REASON. I’ll save the cool article on losing yourself in…
Feature Artist– Laura Givens
Here is my Clyde. Surreal Magazine , Issue #4 I won’t tell you about the creepy-eyed things behind him because they’re important to the story. Can you see why I’m thrilled Laura Givens designed the art for Retribution? She has quite a bit of her work including this image (Infiltrator) on her site- Laura Givens:…
Odds and Ends
Got my copy of Surreal Magazine in yesterday and have to say I’m very pleased with the art. I’ve asked permission to showcase this artist’s work here and will hopefully hear back soon. Also had some fantastic feedback and quite a compliment from my editor Mike Miller. So, it has been a good day. 🙂…
Good Book, Good Music and A New Niece!
First off, I want to say welcome to my new little niece, Felice, who was born at 1:37 this morning. I love you already and I’m going to work so hard at being your favorite aunt! (grin) It snowed here in Oklahoma and too many people are complaining. This weekend was magical. We got to…
Important Lesson
(One of my new designs– check out the shirts!) Small Blood Sacrifice : The Write Snark : CafePress.com I learned an important lesson about research today. Here I was writing this fantastic fight scene between my hero and what I thought was a kind of werewolf demon called a Leyak. The book I was using…
My Story is Out!
A little blurry because I blew it up. Go to their site for a better cover shot. Retribution, is out. Better get your copy and get it signed before I get famous– this could be a collector’s item someday. heh heh (If writers didn’t dream, you wouldn’t get the stories, right?) No seriously, this is…