Comment at The Deadline Dames through Saturday for a chance to win an early e-copy of Blood of an Ancient, which doesn’t release until October 22. I’ll be announcing a winner on Sunday.
Author: RindaElliott
Making Changes
I’ve been talking with friends about how social media can be both a good and bad thing. It’s pretty obvious I’ve loved it and it’s most definitely the way I find new books to read, so I’ll never quit it. I do enjoy the randomness of Twitter, but am working to jump on a little…
Best Wake-up!
Woke up to a wonderful email from a book reviewer about Blood of an Ancient! She loved it as much as Dweller on the Threshold. I’m getting VERY excited about the release of this book next month and am toying with the idea of an early giveaway at The Deadline Dames soon. In the meantime,…
Ignore Changes
I’m currently trying to redesign this website to give it a bit more pizzazz! So, the themes will be changing because WordPress doesn’t have an option to try things out before you publish. That’s a little annoying actually, but I have a great new image (using a comp now and will purchase if I can…
Nice Review
Caught this seriously COOL review of Dweller on the Threshold on Twitter today. Made my day!
Thank You!
Dweller on the Threshold dipped back into the top 50 in SF on Amazon!! I hadn’t checked in some time, so was thrilled to see it still getting a little interest. Review copies of Blood of an Ancient have gone out and one new rating is up on Goodreads. It’s a good one, but I’m…
At the Dame Site Today
I did a short catching up with me post at The Deadline Dames today. No real news other than a couple of deadlines, the new BLOOD OF AN ANCIENT excerpt listed below and another tease about upcoming news. 😉
Blood of an Ancient is now up on the Samhain website! I loved seeing which excerpt they chose to post. This one is pretty long and a little revealing… 😉
On Dealing With Loss
I used to write all these long, hopefully insightful posts on my blog, then sort of stopped when I got an agent and started submitting books. I was always worried about over sharing. But sometimes writing feelings out then sharing them helps. These things can maybe help someone else. If a writer has anything to…
Reviewers-Blood of an Ancient
With Blood of an Ancient releasing in two months, I’ve started approaching reviewers. This time around, we have time to build up a little buzz, so I’m hopeful the ones I’ve contacted end up enjoying the book enough to share their excitement with readers. Blood was a difficult book for me. It’s emotionally dark and…