Got a chuckle out of the bitchiest ladies on the net today. Smart Bitches, Trashy Books If you ever have any free time, go back over their cover snark. It’s worth it!. Here’s a little taste of today’s offering … “Third, can we discuss how ever almighty tired I am of the assumption that romance…
I know What You’re Thinking…
Slacker. Yeah, I get it. Where is my usual wordy blog? Where is my answer to Rachel’s topic win? It’s coming, I promise. Had to actually do some research with hers. Rachel ( Rachel Writes )… I had no idea you’d be sending me to those kinds of sites! (g) Got lots of stuff happening…
Norse Gods at Starbucks
No easy topic from the Doc. We’re lucky he didn’t go with his first, gut reaction and instead gifted me with this. I’ve narrowed it down a bit to leave room for the challenge. I’m also typing this at around 1 a.m so forgive any spelling or other errors. (g) He’s given me four Norse…
Quick Note
I would love to see someone write a short scene for this picture. (g) Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that Rachel has given me the next challenge topic. She did a couple of days ago actually. I won’t be able to get it up as fast as I’d hoped…
Making Waves
Image: Making Waves by Visual Paradox Been overwhelmed with regular life lately. We’re back to the drawing board on the medical stuff and truthfully, I’ve had enough. I’m going to take a break from the doctors and do it my way for awhile. Get off my reading/writing ass and exercise, eat way better and all…
Nuclear Medicine and New Designs
Changed some posts and ended up mixing them up a bit. Oops. But I’m back. Not feeling so well again today, so I don’t have any real snark to share. But this time, it’s from a medical test. Think we’ve narrowed it down. Yay!! But this one is kicking my butt– I don’t know what…
Laughter and Needles Jefferson’s Demons : Portrait of a Restless Mind: Books: Michael K by Michael Knox Beran I left the bloodsucking book home yesterday and since I had to have something to read at the doctor’s office, I started Jefferson’s Demons– it was in my car. I’ve been fascinated by Thomas Jefferson since I read that…
The Winner! Something in the Blood: The Underground World of Today’s Vampires: This is the book the cashier said only women buy. All you have to do is walk into a bookstore, hit the romance section and you’ll see a plethora of novels about vampires. Written by women for women. Women and yes, some men, find…
Thought I’d cheer myself up and visit a book sale tent. This one, in fact. Didn’t realize my daughter had taken a photograph. But I stopped on the way back from the doc’s office. I was browsing, my arm going slowly numb from the addition of books and asked if the man at the register…
Me Issues
Wow. I’m having the hardest time finding a blog idea. This isn’t like me. Usually, I have too many to post. I know what my problem is so I should be able to move past it. My friend Lyn over at Lyn’s Licks & Laughs says it more eloquently than me today, but this local…