I wanted to gift Dana with my favorite DeSalvo image. This picture inspired an entire book — now that I think about tho, I left out the rope. Darn, I gotta rewrite that sucker soon. I couldn’t find this image and she had it the whole time. In fact, she has them all. None would…
Today is About Fun!
Today, I’m all over the place. Just one of those days when there’s a lot going on and the mind is jumping. And speaking of jumping, life is all about “jumping” obstacles, especially in writing. Problem is, with a lot of writers the biggest ones are themselves. See me raising hand. So, I say hold…
That First Romance Novel
This is one of the t-shirts I designed to Celebrate Books! It’s at The Write Snark : CafePress.com. I’ve been writing on and off for fourteen years. More if I count all the melodramatic poetry and horrendous re-dramatizations of my favorite romance novels in my teens. I was twelve or thirteen when I discovered romances….
Will be Getting Back
Hi all, sorry for the long time between posts. I’m battling a health issue that has me taking so many antibiotics, I’m nauseous all the time. Two weeks of 8 pills a day! But in the end, years of problems will be solved, so it’ll be worth it. So, I’ll be back soon with an…
10 Pet Peeves– Feeling Very Snarky– Rant Alert
1. Religious Intolerance – this world is a great, big, beautiful place full of culture and diversity. Accept that. Your way is just that. Yours. And remember, every religion teaches that “it is the only one.” In fact, my incredibly smart daughter asked me this question, ” How come some people think they have a…
New Year’s
Had a great time with family this New Year’s Eve. We sang Karaoke– badly. Very badly. But it was a blast to hear all those old songs from the seventies and mostly eighties. And thank goodness we were inside my home and not out in public! Some of our tunes? 80s: Like a Virgin Beat…
So, today I’m sitting in Barnes and Noble, writing in this cute little 1.99 notebook I’d just bought along with what looks like three really good books. I’m not reading them — I’m writing. Dreck, but writing nonetheless. I’m drinking a Juiced Tea by Tazo. Yum. Mind is wandering because some young guy is checking…
This Holiday Crap — Feeling Snarky!
Why the heck are we arguing over what to say this holiday season????? If you want to say Merry Christmas, go ahead. I love Christmas. I have a Christmas tree in my home. But also, don’t pick on people who prefer Happy Holidays. Truthfully, I prefer that one because for me, this season is about…
Everyone is Included!
Happy Solstice! So many holidays right now!!!! I’m sure there are some I’m missing so… And
Dirty Santa Outlaw Style
Well, when I agreed to take on my RWA chapter Christmas party in my home, little did I know that a bloodthirsty book frenzy would change this friendly group into backstabbing thieves. My friend, Betty Sanders, who had number 11 in our Dirty Santa game, drew first blood. She stole and after that, everyone kept…