I’m flirting with the idea of doing something different with my next young adult novel. I stopped to work on other projects and worry I’ve missed the period of interest in dystopian novels. But I still love my story… so who knows, I might take this one out myself when it’s complete. It should have…
Category: My Writing Life
I Should Blog
I’m sort of caught up in working, family and life. I will be back. Promise. Until then, how about some music? [youtube=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Od_axcft-4] Has a long, dreamy lead in and between 2 1/2 to 3 minutes in, OMG. Bet it makes you want to write a compelling scene, too.
And the Random Number Generator picked 3! The winner of Devon Monk’s MAGIC ON THE HUNT is Irene says: Monday, April 11, 2011 at 1:21 pm (Edit) I love Devon Monk! Congrats, Irene. Email your mailing address to me at rindaelliott(at)gmail(dot)com.
I have a lot going on. Job interviewing, applying and room renovations are taking up the most time. But I’m also completing another novella and rewriting my YA novel. So, yes, once again, I’m quiet in here. I did have TWO posts at the Deadline Dames last week, so check them out. The Readers on Deadline is…
RAGE Winner!
Random.org picked entry number 4. Congratulations to Karen W. says: Monday, April 4, 2011 at 3:50 pm (Edit) This looks amazing, please enter me Karen, send your mailing address to me at rindaelliott(at)gmail(dot)com and I’ll send this out from The Book Depository. Congratulations!!!! There are and will be a lot more chances to win Dame…
Morning Walks, Redbuds and Difficult Characters
This morning was gorgeous. I ran errands early, then came home, slipped on my earphones and went for a walk. Not the leisurely kind, no, but the heart pumping, feet moving, half-sprint kind. I enjoyed crisp air, cooling breezes and the bright, warm sun which was sharing enough Vitamin D to have me grinning like…
Special Treat for Fans of YA Fiction!
Deadline Dame/Odd Shots Smackdown!
First The Odd Shots begged, so we invaded and asked them to stop. http://www.theoddshots.com/2011/03/deadline-dames-invasion/ Then they came back at us! http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=6306
Not a lot of writing over the last few days. I finished a synopsis and got a proposal for something new off to my agent last week, but the weekend was filled with family and friends. Was seriously busy nearly every minute since last Thursday. I’m mulling a few things right now. Might make a…
Still Working & Sorry to Disappoint
It’s quiet in here but things are going on behind the scenes. Rewrites, polishing, outlining, conversations. Also I’m dealing with a few personal family things. I mentioned how interesting and yeah, a little scary, all the self-publishing talk is online today and had a few people send the kindest messages. You guys rock. Having people…