Taking a bit of needed down time. Binging on Friday Night Lights episodes. Don’t forget to catch Rachel on the Smart Chicks Book Tour. Details in last post. 🙂 She’s the one sitting on the table in this video. heh heh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2isZmVmaA8
Category: My Writing Life
At the Deadline Dames today!
My very long, revealing and bumpy path to publication is up at The Deadline Dames today. 🙂 http://www.deadlinedames.com/?p=4547 Edit!!!! You must check out the new book trailer for my critique partner’s new book! ALPHA comes out in a couple of weeks and FINALLY I’ll be able to talk to other readers about it. <g> [youtube=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjRJKmo61CA&feature=player_embedded]
The Bright Light Beckons
Going to write today. The house could use some cleaning, but I don’t care. I feel like escaping deep into a fictional world of my creation. Feel like following the stream of light that takes me away from reality and let’s me experience excitement, challenge and maybe a little romance. Three chapters (and a working synopsis) of Unnatural…
Horror Writer’s Namesake
So, we named this cat Poe for several reasons. At the time, we couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl–it’s hard with long-haired cats and well, everyone deserves a bit of privacy.  Poe worked for a boy because I love the writer and it worked for a girl because I love the singer. Plus,…
This Month’s ROD is Up!
Quick post here. Today’s my day at The Deadline Dames and we have a winner and new image up for our Readers on Deadline. This is a popular monthly feature of the Dames, so check it out. Who knows? You could get a book idea or two. Prize up this month is Dame Keri’s DESTINY…
More Thor Movie Official Releases!
First official movie poster of THOR! And um, an official movie photo of Thor that I’m compelled to share. <g> My Thor in Forcast (Working Title of Book two in Norse YA Trilogy) is different–and quite a bit younger but something about this picture could sneak into my work. I mean, how could it not????
Just Gotta Stretch My Arm…
Yes, I gave you screaming girl in the last post. Sorry ’bout that. There are days when being on submission makes you feel a little like that and then there are days it feels more like the picture above. Like you have this glowing dream almost within reach. Honestly, I’m still pretty excited about a couple of…
Just Dealing
The Deadline Dames are sharing paths to publication over the next two weeks. Mine may come later because the Readers on Deadline is my next post. May switch it up and do the ROD later instead, though. These are very interesting stories. Hope you enjoy them. Sorry for the slow posts lately. I’ve been busy…
Unnatural Selection, Liquid Story Binder & Sneak Peek
So, even though Unnatural Selection (US) isn’t complete, I decided to go ahead and polish up the first three chapters to give to my agent. I did this with Foretold–back when it was called Wyrd, The Turning. Not only was that original title all wrong but Miriam let me know the style of book wasn’t…
Something New
Thought I’d try out audio books and what better time than now? Why you ask? The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is offered as a free download this week. I’ve wanted to read this book for some time. http://www.audiobookcommunity.com/page/sync-link You do have to sign up and download their software, but I’ve been curious about audio…