Yesterday, the word goal was derailed by a computer virus scare. I downloaded several good programs, but they didn’t find anything. I did get a bad email and not long after, that warning on IE started showing up–you know the one. “Your PC is infected, download this blah blah blah!” I know better than to…
Category: My Writing Life
Crazy Weekend!
First the desktop computer started rebooting every two minutes. (Actually, this part was months ago.) I hurriedly copied all music, pics and documents onto an external drive the hubby uses for work. He recently had to turn that drive in, so I copied all the files to my laptop. After all, it had recently crashed…
Moving, Sharing & Writing
Moving is difficult for more reasons than boxing everything up and unpacking in other places. (Or in our case, since we downsized, moved around A LOT.) It takes a while to settle into a place. I lived in this house for eight years so you’d think I’d settle back in, but I’m a nester and…
Grammar Ramble
The dryer in the last post was nothing, I tell you! The washer, on the other hand, suffered horribly. I did my research and found the solution on the net and took the thing apart myself. Yes, I repaired my own washer. Well, I cleaned out the horribly clogged pump from that exploding chenille throw,…
Why Am I Quiet?
Been working! Head over to The Deadline Dames and read Rachel Vincent’s post on what a deadline looks like. I set aside unpacking and um, moving stuff around too many times, to critique. Her deadline is tomorrow and yeah, I had suggestions. So, she called and we hashed out what would work. We got to…
Interest In Wired
I think my last post at the Deadline Dames was a bit confusing. I’m getting a lot of searches on my name with the title of one of my manuscripts, Wired. I talked about writing the book in this post. The book isn’t published and in fact, hasn’t been sent out on submission. But it…
What’s Up?
At the Deadline Dames Wednesday, I blogged about my love for French director Luc Besson films and how La Femme Nikita changed my writing. For my birthday, I watched a recent film of his I’d missed called District B13. OMG, as Dame Lilith Saintcrow can attest, I found the film full of lovely, agile action. It’s good!…
At the Dames Today
I’ll be posting at The Deadline Dames a little later today, so come by and tell me if there are any movies or books that significantly changed your style!
And Now for My Regularly Scheduled Writing Life. YAY!
All moved in. I’ll be unpacking for weeks, but we can get around and that’s what’s important. We set up my work space–also equally necessary. I’ll be scheduling my days around writing, catching up laundry and making boxes disappear. <g> This house needs some work, but I’m looking at is as a fun project. I’m already planning the flower garden and last night,…
Walls of Boxes & Family Laughter
Still working amidst chaos here. Absolutely no writing yet, but I’m starting to dwell on the desire more and more. I’m hoping to knock out a lot of the clutter this weekend and with a FREAKING BLIZZARD coming, shouldn’t be hard. I don’t EVER remember a possibility of 5 to 10 inches of snow around…