Meet Herman: a 22lb, 3ft rabbit that is more than half the size of its owner.The giant bunny amazed onlookers at a Berlin food and agriculture fair -they first thought it was a giant cuddly toy. Herman is one of a breed called the German Giant. Most grow to a maximum of 18lb, but Herman…
Category: Odds & Ends
Funny Test
Took it several times and got the same answer. ROFL!!! Hippie You are 14% Rational, 57% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant. You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, and humility, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and free love! Immediately following that, you then frolic to…
Today’s Odds and Ends
I’d like to do what I can to promote this publication. They do a wonderful job of keeping locals up to date with great restaurants and the local music scene. Thought I’d highlight sections every once in awhile. This paper is free. Seriously. Free every Wednesday. But, it can also be delivered. I want to…
What Kind of Writer Am I?
Took this silly quiz for fun. Haven’t tried my hand at film writing. Maybe someday. 🙂 You Should Be a Film Writer You don’t just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to…
Interrupting This Program for Something Weird
Every now and then I visit Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things just to see something odd. Yeah, I can admit to a voracious curiosity when it comes to humans and all the strange things they come up with. This video stumped me. It’s oriental ladies painting themselves in a bathtub. They are wearing…
The Google Bomb worked!
It worked! Just by linking to this jerk Bill Napoli , the definition is now the first item that comes up on Google. I do try not to turn my blog too political– and believe me, it’s hard sometimes — er, I can occasionally have a big mouth — bet you’re not surprised — but…
Getting Frustrated Here
This is sad. I’ve written several fun, seriously mouthy blog posts about guilty pleasure movies, strong writing words and even a tiny little sort of political rant about scary men who shouldn’t get votes whether a person is pro life or pro choice. And hey, that’s YOUR choice. But, his lack of compassion and his…
Wine and a Couple of Recipes
I love lazy weekends in front of my fireplace with a glass of wine and a book… or my laptop. I like coffee just as much, but we’ll talk about wine today. This morning, I started two batches. Pinot Noir and a Riesling. I have one bottle of my last perfectly aged Pinot that I’m…
No Patience Today.
Once a freaking ‘gain there are formatting issues. I have a great piece planned for today, but I’m not in the mood to have it come out in a big, messy jumble. Writers are funny about things like that. We have paragraph breaks for a REASON. I’ll save the cool article on losing yourself in…
A Little Behind
Sorry for the lack of updated posts. My computer kept crashing and when I added up the time I spent every single day repairing it before I could write or get on the Internet, I realized I could have rivaled Nora for top billing by now. So, I got up the courage and bought a…