Look who is once again out in the world! (And she’s in Kindle Unlimited!) I received the rights back on my Beri O’Dell books along with all of the others from Samhain Publishing and I’m working on getting new covers and making some into compilations. I’ll share as they come up. So what’s this about?…
Re-release Cover Reveal!
Look at this pretty! It was designed by Gaslight Graphics and I’ll be sharing his website as soon as it goes live. Dweller on the Threshold should be up on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited very soon! I’ll update this post with a link when it’s live.
Love and Laughter & a Sneak Peek
(Mirrored from www.drakeandelliott.com) As Jocelynn said in her last blog post, we turned over the compilation of Rowe’s short stories and novelette to our editors. It was so fun working on more featuring these two. That image to the left is one I purchased to represent Noah in the book trailer I decided not to…
My Former Samhain Titles
I have nine titles I published with Samhain (Three as Rinda Elliott and six as Dani Worth.) and because the publisher is closing, I’m getting my rights back on all of them. I’ve decided to self-publish them and because they never really got a lot of exposure, they didn’t pick up a lot of readers….
Using More as a Website than Blog
I do blog at www.drakeandelliott.com and I am also on Facebook more often than anywhere else. Most of our readers hang there. 😉 So this site has all the info about my books, but it’s not updated on the blog side often.
Torch Release Day
So sorry I’ve been neglecting my website. I do post often at www.drakeandelliott.com and I’m in our Unbreakable Reader’s Facebook group often. I’ve had a few personal life issues with family health and other things. But I’ve also been working hard on the MM romantic suspense series I write with author, Jocelynn Drake! I absolutely…
Rinda’s Torch Playlist
In addition to the playlist, Jocelynn and I want to thank our readers for showing such enthusiasm for our upcoming release, TORCH! It broke three top fifty lists at Amazon in pre-orders. You guys are so awesome! Thank you so much for helping spread the word on our independent project. Reviews at Amazon–even one liners–help…
Unbreakable Stories: Lucas
This is from one of my favorite scenes in Shiver. Did you see that Jocelynn and I had another book release this past week? It’s a compilation of short stories and a novelette set between Shiver and Shatter. We have trouble leaving our world, or couples actually, between books, so we write short stories to…
Cool Stuff!!
Our interview with Divine Magazine, info about Unbreakable Stories: Lucas–which releases in FIVE DAYS!– and more! Click the image to go!
Finding the Right Man for Snow
Copied from the joint blog I write with author, Jocelynn Drake. It wasn’t easy coming up with the right man for Snow, but when Jude came to life, we knew he was perfect. I could not come up with a blog topic today. This isn’t new. I do this of ten. I’ve blogged so many years,…